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Hello, world

Published: at 11:05 PM

Hello, world.

This is my first blog post. At least in this format, and for my personal site.

I’ve been meaning to write content online for a while, but never seemed to find the time, motivation, or inspiration. I’ve been wanting to practice my creative and technical writing for some time now, so I figure the only option is to force myself to just /write/.

Disclaimer if someone other than future me is reading the words on this pages. I’m really new to all of this. English is not my native language although I really like writing in it. So please bare with me as I slowly realise what I’m trying to pull off in here.

I think I’ll be writing mostly about technology. Be it programming, research, new tech, old tech, that sort of stuff. I’ve always had a passion for learning about the low level details of any new thing I discover, so that is going to be a recurring theme in my posts.

I’ll try my best not to go into old posts and make too big of changes, I know I have the bad habit of trying to “fix” everything beyond recognition. If I really feel like some post does not belong in the site anymore, I’ll probably just move it to an archive section.

For now, this is it. Lets see each other around.